Distributors, Suppliers: Become a Blic Partner!

  • Guaranteed delivery quality

  • Improved customer experience

  • Fewer complaints

  • Transport savings

  • Reduce packaging

  • Offer your customers additional services

Benefits for partners

Additional services: for construction and industrial sites

Facilitate your return, after-sales, exchange and rental flows via BLIC: to be validated with the sales team

Delivery in returnable packaging: Whether using your own reusable bins or those offered by BLIC, this service is easy to implement after consultation between BLIC and your logistics department.

PREMIUM service for your construction site customers

Improve your customer experience

You can set up efficient return flows

You can deliver in reusable bins and help limit on-site waste!

Our premium partners


3 avenue Maréchal

de Saxe

69006 Lyon



+33 9 80 80 12 23
