Don't worry, everything is recorded!
Security and traceability of your deliveries
MyBlic portal
Blic management and administration
You benefit from a simple, user-friendly web interface
30-day recording. The camera also prevents vandalism
Strong proof of delivery
Available to the driver and on MyBlic
Reusable bin delivery service
No more cardboard waste on building sites and industrial sites filling up skips!
5% of all construction waste is cardboard waste
Supplier returns and automated after-sales service
Return your equipment from Blic with :
Additional services
Customer service / hotline / training / tools
A dedicated team, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Maintenance, IT support
Vincent and Raphaël at your service !
Unlimited BLIC hotline access in the event of a claim (with access to proof of deposit/request for video control of deposits or withdrawals)
To facilitate adoption of this solution, Blic contacts your suppliers to explain the service
Anne Odermatt
Operations Manager
Raphaëlle Autogue
Sales Project Manager